Level 2 Recreational Running Coach


  • The Level 2 Recreational Running accreditation is an extension of the Level 1 Recreational Running course.

  • It is designed for coaches who are interested in preparing athletes for long-distance running events, spanning 5 to 42kms (Marathon).

  • Level 2 Recreational Running coaches primarily work with intermediate level runners aged 18 and above.


To gain the Level 2 Recreation Running Coach accreditation, a coach must meet the following criteria:

  • Be 16 years or older.

  • Hold the Level 1 Recreational Running Coach accreditation.

Course Structure

Part 1

Practical course

  • Attend a one-day face-to-face course or five 1-hour online sessions.

  • To enrol into a course, click here: Coach Education Calendar

Part 2

Online course

  • Complete the Level 2 Recreational Running online modules.

Part 3

Assessment tasks

  • Complete a short answer assessment.

  • Complete the practical coaching assessment (signed off by an approved assessor).

    We strongly recommended that the assessor supervises coach for the duration of a season (1 year) before signing off on the assessment.

Course Outcomes

2-RR-1: Understand principles of running economy and VO2 max and apply training interventions for improving them in runners.

2-RR-2: Identify common technical errors of long distance running and apply coaching strategies for correcting them.

2-RR-3: Develop uphill and downhill running technique, and plan and deliver specific sessions for improving this skill.

2-RR-4: Understand running footwear, how they can change the force distribution on a runner’s hips, knees, and ankles, and provide individualized advice to runners based on their needs.

2-RR-5: Understand how barefoot and soft surface running can be implemented in a training program, the risks, and potential benefits.

2-RR-6: Understand how plyometrics training can benefit running performance, reduce the risk of injury, and plan an appropriate progression of plyometrics exercises to train a runner’s stretch-shortening cycle.

2-RR-7: Deliver a Functional Movement Training program for runners.

2-RR-8: Understand Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport and use prevention, education, and referral strategies for managing cases in recreational runners.

2-RR-9: Educate runners using the Australian Dietary Guidelines and make evidence-based nutrition and hydration recommendations for recreational runners.

2-RR-10: Identify and address suspected cases of Exercise Associated Hyponatremia in long distance runners.

2-RR-11: Promote a ‘food-first’ approach to nutrition, understand the AIS’s Sport Supplement Guidelines, and use the framework to educate runners about safe and effective supplementation strategies.

2-RR-12: Create a suitable campaign training program for beginner, intermediate, and advanced runners preparing for an event up to Marathon distance.

2-RR-13: Understand and apply principles of periodisation relevant for long distance running to create an effective season plan.

Need Further Assistance?

Please contact us.