Advanced Recreatioal Running Coach


🏃‍♀️ The Advanced Recreational Running Coach accreditation program is the progression for coaches and fitness professionals working with recreational runners 18 years and above.
Please ensure that you are familiar with the course structure prior to registering.

Program Overview

The Advanced Recreational Running Coach (Level 2) is a Nationally Recognised Accreditation designed for coaches leading running clubs or private coaches working with runners looking to achieve higher levels of running performance at target events.

  • The accreditation recognises that an individual has the appropriate skills and knowledge to coach intermediate and advanced runners toachieve target performances at endurance races.

  • The program covers advanced skills of run coaching, including technique development, periodization, plyometrics, functional movement training, and energy availability.

Program Curriculum

Your Coaching Skills: Explores your approach to coaching, communication styles, strengths, and potential focus areas.

Improving Running Performance: Examines methods of improving running economy, VO2max, running technique, running on different surfaces and elevations, and footwear.

Performance Conditioning: Introduces conditioning strategies for more advanced runners, including track drills and plyometrics.

Functional Movement Training: Delves into types of functional movement training for runners, and how it can contribute to injury prevention and enhanced running performance.

Energy Availability: In addition to general principles of nutrition and hydration, this module explores the risks of low energy availability and the role of a performance coach in educating and supporting athletes experiencing this.

Periodization: Building on the ‘campaign’ training plans introduced in the previous accreditation course, this program explores long-term periodized training plans that are designed to support athletes achieve their optimal performance at one or multiple events across a season.

Performance Health Electives: Earn 25 CPD points completing relevant performance health electives, relevant to your training environment.

Course Structure

Start by registering for the Level 2 Program here. Once registered, work through the two components of the accreditation.

Part 1

Online Modules (Self-Paced)

  • Complete the Advanced Recreational Running Coach online modules and assessment(s).

  • Earn 25 CPD points by completing relevant Performance Health elective modules.

Part 2

Facilitated Learning Course

Attend a one-day face-to-face course


Attend five x 60 minute live webinar sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tap the tiles below for more detailed information about the accreditation program.

  • The first step is to register for the program on the Coach Education Calendar (organised by your State / Territory Athletics Association).

    To see a list of all upcoming coach accreditation courses, please refer to the Coach Education Calendar

    Once you have enrolled into the course, you will be given access to the online modules and assessment tasks via the Athletics Learning Centre.

  • The Advanced Recreational Running Coach course offers flexibility with both online and face-to-face delivery options available.

    • Facilitated Learning: Available either online or face-to-face

    • Online modules: Available online only

    • Assessment: Available online only

    For the online practical course, you must participate in five 1-hour sessions, facilitated live. Attendance and active participation are required. These sessions will not be recorded.

    The online modules and the assessment can be completed at your own pace.

  • To earn your Advanced Recreational Running Coach accreditation, here’s what you need:

    • Qualifications: Recreational Running Coach (Level 1)

    • Age: Must be 16 or older.

  • At the completion of the this course, coaches need to be able to demonstrate the following behaviours and skills.

    2-RR-1: Understand principles of running economy and VO2 max and apply training interventions for improving them in runners.

    2-RR-2: Identify common technical errors of long distance running and apply coaching strategies for correcting them.

    2-RR-3: Develop uphill and downhill running technique, and plan and deliver specific sessions for improving this skill.

    2-RR-4: Understand running footwear, how they can change the force distribution on a runner’s hips, knees, and ankles, and provide individualized advice to runners based on their needs.

    2-RR-5: Understand how barefoot and soft surface running can be implemented in a training program, the risks, and potential benefits.

    2-RR-6: Understand how plyometrics training can benefit running performance, reduce the risk of injury, and plan an appropriate progression of plyometrics exercises to train a runner’s stretch-shortening cycle.

    2-RR-7: Deliver a Functional Movement Training program for runners.

    2-RR-8: Understand Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport and use prevention, education, and referral strategies for managing cases in recreational runners.

    2-RR-9: Educate runners using the Australian Dietary Guidelines and make evidence-based nutrition and hydration recommendations for recreational runners.

    2-RR-10: Identify and address suspected cases of Exercise Associated Hyponatremia in long distance runners.

    2-RR-11: Promote a ‘food-first’ approach to nutrition, understand the AIS’s Sport Supplement Guidelines, and use the framework to educate runners about safe and effective supplementation strategies.

    2-RR-12: Create a suitable campaign training program for beginner, intermediate, and advanced runners preparing for an event up to Marathon distance.

    2-RR-13: Understand and apply principles of periodisation relevant for long distance running to create an effective season plan.

  • The cost of the Advanced Recreational Running Coach accreditation is determined by the State/Territory Athletics Association, so it may vary slightly depending on your location.

    Generally, the course costs around $320, which includes both the practical course and online modules.

    For more detailed pricing information, please contact your local Athletics State Association.

  • All accreditation courses have an option for recognition of prior learning. You can find more information here.

Well done and thank you for the outstanding work putting together the online course. Totally enjoyed it.
The highlight of the online component was collaborating with a great bunch of people and widening our scope of contacts.

Coach Progression Pathway

Your Advanced Recreational Running Coach accreditation isn’t the end of your coach education journey. At the completion of the Advanced Recreational Running Coach accreditation, coaches can choose to progress further by completing further learning relevant to coaching recreational runners or by progressing to coaching national-level endurance athletes.

Recreational Running Specialisation

Become a Gold-tier Youth Coach, by completing further education (online or workshops) relevant to your training environment.

Earn 50 CPD points by completing further education and attending relevant seminars to your training environment.

Earn 250 CPD points by completing further education and attending relevant seminars to your training environment.

Earn 500 CPD points by completing further education and attending relevant seminars to your training environment.

Coach Higher Level Athletes

Become a coach to higher level athletes by progressing to the Level 3 Performance Coach accreditaiton.

Need Further Assistance?

Please contact us.