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Recreational Running Coach


πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ The Recreational Running Coach accreditation program is the entry point for all coaches working with recreational runners 18 years and above.
Please ensure that you are familiar with the course structure prior to registering.

Program Overview

The Recreational Running Coach accreditation program is a Nationally Recognised Accreditation designed for coaches operating in running clubs, public training groups, and private squads.

  • The accreditation recognises that an individual has the appropriate skills and knowledge to coach novice to intermediate runners in running events up to Marathon-distance.

  • The program covers the core skills of run coaching, including leading a group, planning a variety of suitable running sessions, and writing a campaign program.

Program Curriculum

Why You Coach: Explores your core values and coaching philosophy to develop a clear vision for what you are trying to achieve as a running coach.

How You Coach: Introduces the principles of effective communication, instruction, observation, and feedback when working with adult runners.

Who You Coach: Examines the motivators and barriers of recreational runners, injury prevention strategies, and how to effectively manage larger running groups with runners of varying ability.

What You Coach: Delves into different types of sessions for recreational runners, structuring an effective warm up, basic conditioning exercises for runners, and elements of running technique, including if, when, and how they should be adjusted by a coach.

How You Plan: Introduces the three Energy Systems and how they relate to recreational runners, principles of training including progressive overload, and writing an effective campaign training plan using the EQSA method.

Course Structure

Start by registering for the Level 1 Program here. Once registered, work through the three components of the accreditation.

Part 1

Online Modules

Complete the Recreational Running Coach (Level 1) online modules and assessment(s).

Part 2

Facilitated Learning Course

(in-person course)

Attend a one-day face-to-face course


Five 90 minute live webinar sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tap the tiles below for more detailed information about the accreditation program.

  • The first step is to register for a one-day, practical course (organised by your State / Territory Athletics Association).

    To see a list of all upcoming coach accreditation courses, please refer to the Coach Education Calendar

    Note: once you have enrolled into the course, you will be given access to the online modules and assessment tasks via the Athletics Learning Centre.

  • The Recreational Running Coach course offers flexibility with both online and face-to-face delivery options available.

    • Facilitated Learning (in-person course): Available either online or face-to-face

    • Online modules and assessment: Available online only

    For the online facilitated learning course, you must participate in five 1-hour sessions, facilitated live. Attendance and active participation are required. These sessions will not be recorded.

    The online modules and the assessment can be completed at your own pace.

  • To get started on the Level 1 Recreational Running Coach accreditation, here’s what you need:

    • Age: Must be 16 or older.

    That's it! No special skills or prior knowledge needed! It's perfect for anyone who loves running (or love-hates running...) and wants to kick-start their coaching journey.

  • To achieve the Recreational Running Coach (Level 1) accreditation, you’ll need to complete a Short Answer assessment. This assessment is designed to test your ability to apply the key coaching principles covered in the course.

    Here’s what it involves:
    1️⃣ Design an interval session tailored for a group of runners.
    2️⃣ Write an email to an athlete, explaining the purpose of their training program.

    The assessment is practical and mirrors real-life coaching scenarios.

    The assessment is completed online via the Athletics Learning Centre. You are given two attempts to successfully complete the task.

  • The cost of the Recreational Running Coach accreditation is determined by the State/Territory Athletics Association, so it may vary slightly depending on your location.

    Generally, the course costs around $270, which includes both the practical course and online modules. Plus, if this is your first coaching accreditation, you’ll also get one year of complimentary coaching membership and insurance.

    For more detailed pricing information, please contact your local Athletics State Association.

  • At the completion of the this course, coaches need to be able to demonstrate the following behaviours and skills.

    • 1-RR-1: Provide a physically and psychologically safe training environment.

    • 1-RR-2: Use effective communication strategies to provide instruction, demonstration, analysis and feedback.

    • 1-RR-3: Understand motivations, barriers, and recreational running market participation trends.

    • 1-RR-4: Understand the risks and consequences of running injuries and employ basic injury prevention and referral strategies.

    • 1-RR-5: Understand and create an effective warm up and cool down using the RAMP protocol.

    • 1-RR-6: Plan and deliver a training session using common run training elements including long runs, recovery runs, intervals, tempo, threshold, fartlek, speed endurance, mobility, and body weight strength sessions.

    • 1-RR-7: Understand the technical model of running and make appropriate technical adjustments to runners.

    • 1-RR-8: Understand the three energy systems, how they contribute to running performance, and how they can be trained.

    • 1-RR-9: Understand the principles of training, including progressive overload and how it relates to athlete adaptation.

    • 1-RR-10: Plan safe and effective training progressions to gradually develop running fitness.

    • 1-RR-11: Create an individualized campaign training program to prepare a runner for their target event.

  • All accreditation courses have an option for recognition of prior learning. You can find more information here.

β€œI enjoyed the course thoroughly, whilst I had a strong knowledge and this course I was engaging with to boost my knowledge - I found it highly interesting, relevant and Alex Dreyer the presenter was fantastic. All content was relevant, assessment accurate to content and topics and what we do. Awesome course! ”
β€œI loved the facilitated learning.....was a pleasure to discuss topics with like minded people who share the same passion, both to learn from others and impart knowledge.”
β€œThis course was very well presented and facilitated. The only β€œdrawback” was only having a single hour per module - I would have loved to have continued the conversations for longer!”

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