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Coach Education Framework

Track and Field Accreditations

Unlock Your Coaching Potential

Athletics Australia’s Coach Accreditation Framework is flexible, learner-directed, and designed to equip you with the skills to be an effective coach in your unique training environment. Tap the tiles below to explore each accreditation level and discover how you can enhance your coaching journey.

Recreational Running Accreditations

Guide Your Runners to Health, Happiness, and Fitness

The Recreational Running Framework is designed to help you develop the essential skills needed to be a great coach for adult runners in any setting. Tap the tiles below to learn more about each accreditation and how you can guide runners toward their personal best.

Coach Accreditation Policy

For more detailed information regarding the Coach Accreditation Framework, please download the Coach Accreditation Policy.

Want to become a coach?

Need Further Assistance?

Please contact us.