Community Coach Mentoring

Coaching in an affiliated Athletics Club is a highly rewarding experience and a great way to kickstart your coaching career.

Connect with new athletes, work with quality experienced coaches and be part of successful athletics programs that prepares athletes for success at State and National-level competitions. 

About the Community Mentoring Program

Club-Connect is a structured 3 to 6 month program for coaches who wish to gain experience working in a Senior Athletics Club. You will be matched with an affiliated 'Coach Developer' club, who will provide you with the support and structure you need to perform your role effectively. 

As part of the program, you will gain experience by shadowing a senior club coach in addition to designing and leading your own training sessions. By the end of the program, you will have developed the skills and experience necessary to confidently work as club coach. 

To recognise and reward coaches who successfully complete all five stanges of the program, you will be eligble for entry into the Level 2 Development Coach accreditation program, receive 75 CPD points, and have the opportunity to continue working in the affiliated club. 

How it Works

Step 1

Register for a Level 1 Youth Coach or Level 2 Development Coach course and nominate your interest in being part of Club-Connect.

Coaches who already hold a Level 1 or 2 accreditation can also apply directly.

Step 2

Get connected with a suitable affiliated club and receive a full induction and development plan, based on your skills and interests.

You will be paired with an established mentor coach at the club.

Step 3

Complete the structured 3 to 6-month training period with opportunities for ongoing roles at the club.

Receive training and support from your assigned mentors throughout the process.

Step 4

Receive fast-track entry into higher level accreditation courses and 75 CPD points based on your successful completion of the program.

Structure of the Program

As part of the Club-Connect program, coaches progress through five stages of development, from shadowing a mentor coach to independent program planning and delivery.

Mentees are expected to complete each stage of development and progress to the next stage only once they have been approved by their mentor or club coordinator*.

*Coaches who already have previous coaching experience may start at a higher stage of the program at the discretion of their mentor or club coordinator.

  • Before you even get started, you’ll receive a warm welcome to your new club.

    Mentee coaches will receive a full induction with information about the club’s vision, values, policies, code of conduct, venue access, uniform, and key staff.

    Working with the Coach Coordinator, you’ll be paired with an experienced mentor coach and be given a roster based on your availability.

  • Prior to the Session

    • Mentee to review induction documents.

    • Understand athlete cohort and club objectives.

    • Assist mentor to prepare equipment for the session.

    During the Session

    • Mentee to shadow mentor.

    • Assist with setting up equipment.

    • Complete tasks directly assigned by the mentor.

    After the Session

    • Assist with packing up equipment.

    • Write down 3 lessons that you have taken from the session.

    • Consider what you will copy and what you would adjust if you were leading the session.

    Additional Tasks

    • Greet parents and explain your role if appropriate.

    Expected Duration

    • 1-3 sessions.

    Mentee to proceed to Stage 2 once mentor and mentee feel the coach is ready for greater responsibilities.

    Key Assessment Criteria

    1. The mentee coach was actively engaged in the session, assisting with set up and other suitable tasks assigned by the mentor.

    2. The mentee coach is emotionally ready to lead the warm up and cool down components of future sessions.

  • Prior to the Session

    • Mentee to understand the key objectives the mentor has for the session.

    • Mentee to plan a warm up and cool down for the training group.

    • Mentee to prepare equipment for the session.

    During the Session

    • Greet the athletes and let the group know that you will be responsible for leading the warm up and cool down of the session.

    • Deliver an appropriate warm up and cool down.

    • Provide feedback to athletes during the main session when appropriate.

    • Complete other tasks directly assigned by the mentor.

    After the Session

    • Assist with packing up equipment.

    • Speak with mentor about what you did well and what changes you should consider for future sessions.

    • Reflect individually on what worked and what you will change for future sessions in your warm up and cool down.

    Additional Tasks

    • Assist mentor with any incident reports or other club duties.

    Expected Duration

    • 2-4 sessions.

    Mentee to proceed to Stage 3 once mentor and mentee feel the coach is ready for greater responsibilities.

    Key Assessment Criteria

    1. The mentee coach planned and delivered a suitable warm up and cool down for the athletes and session objectives.

    2. The mentee coach demonstrated effective communication and body language throughout the session.

    3. Where appropriate, the mentee coach observed and gave appropriate feedback to athletes based on the session objectives.

    4. The mentee coach provided a safe training environment, or responded quickly when the mentor coach identified hazards that they may have missed.

  • Prior to the Session

    • Mentee and mentor work together to develop a full session plan.

    • Mentee to prepare equipment for the session.

    During the Session

    • Greet the athletes.

    • Deliver the full session based on the session plan developed between the mentee and mentor.

    • Provide instruction, demonstration, observation, and appropriate feedback to the athletes.

    • Mentor to provide direct supervision and provide input and feedback when necessary.

    After the Session

    • Mentor and mentee to discuss how the session went and suggestions for future sessions.

    Additional Tasks

    • Assist mentor with any incident reports or other club duties.

    Expected Duration

    • 1-4 sessions.

    Mentee to proceed to Stage 4 once mentor and mentee feel the coach is ready for greater responsibilities.

    Key Assessment Criteria

    1. The mentee coach planned and delivered a suitable session for the athletes and session objectives.

    2. The mentee coach took on the feedback and advice of the mentor coach.

    3. The mentee coach instructed, observed, and gave appropriate feedback to athletes based on the session objectives.

    4. The mentee coach provided a safe training environment, or responded quickly when the mentor coach identified hazards that they may have missed.

  • Prior to the Session

    • Mentee to develop the full session plan independently.

    • Mentee may show the plan to the mentor or other coaches for feedback.

    • Mentee to prepare equipment for the session.

    During the Session

    • Greet the athletes.

    • Deliver the full session based on the session plan developed between the mentee and mentor.

    • Provide instruction, demonstration, observation, and appropriate feedback to the athletes.

    • Mentor to provide supervision however will avoid making comments or assisting unless strictly necessary (e.g. safety issue, inappropriate behaviour).

    After the Session

    • Mentor and mentee to discuss how the session went and suggestions for future sessions.

    Additional Tasks

    • Assist mentor with any incident reports or other club duties.

    Expected Duration

    • At least 2 sessions.

    Mentee to proceed to Stage 5 once mentor and mentee feel the coach is ready for greater responsibilities.

    Key Assessment Criteria

    1. The mentee coach planned and delivered a suitable session for the athletes and session objectives.

    2. The mentee coach observed and gave appropriate feedback to athletes based on the session objectives.

    3. The mentee coach always provided a safe training environment.

  • Prior to the Session

    • Mentee to work with the mentor to develop a series of session plans that work towards the club objectives.

    • Mentee to discuss with club about which cohort of athletes they will be assigned. Understand their training histories and objectives.

    During the Session

    • Independent delivery of training sessions without direct mentor oversight.

    After the Session

    • Self-reflection.

    • Informal collaboration with mentor and/or other club coaches.

    Expected Duration

    • Ongoing.

    Mentees who successfully coach at the club for a period of 3 months are eligible for the free Level 2 Club Coach accreditation and CPD points to be awarded.

    Key Assessment Criteria after 3 months

    1. The mentee coach plans and delivers safe training sessions.

    2. The mentee coach progresses training sessions to achieve improvements in their athletes physical, technical, or mental skills.

    3. The mentee coach communicates well with their athletes, demonstrating effective use of instruction, demonstration, observation, and feedback.

    4. The mentee coach is a positive role model to athletes in the club, conducting themselves with honesty and integrity.

    5. The mentee coach makes a positive contribution to the club.

What’s in it for You?

  • Learn from and work with established club coaches as part of a structured training environment. 

  • Develop your experience working with club-level athletes.

  • Connect with a recognised 'Coach Developer' club, with a structured on-boarding and support system. 

  • Access to club facilities.

  • Receive 75 CPD points at the successful completion of the program.