Coach Education Resources
Four Great Training Sessions for Recreational Runners
From street miles through to trail ultra-marathons, the diversity of events recreational runners are participating in continues to provide coaches the challenge of developing training sessions that are both specific to their activities and that provide ongoing stimulation. While the list of available training options is extensive, let’s look at four training elements that strike a chord with Recreational Runners.
Trust is a must for coaches and athletes – just ask Sally Pearson
Coaches have to balance challenging and nurturing their athletes. Too much of either and the relationship can fall apart, or cease to be productive.
This article reflects on the events of 2012 and how coaches can balance the need to have direct and honest conversations with the need to maintain an effective working relationship with their athlete.
Strength Training for Sport
Former Head Track and Field Coach of the Australian Institute of Sport, Kelvin Giles, shares his thoughts on strength training for athletes.
Code of Conduct for Parents - Editable Template
Download this template code of conduct that you may use with parents of athletes in your training squad.
This will help you to foster a positive squad culture.