New Course: Principles of Strength Training

We are excited to let you know there’s another new course available on the Athletics Learning Centre - Fundamental Principles of Strength Training!

Physical conditioning, including strength and power training, is an important component of success in Track and Field. Therefore, understanding the principles of strength training is an important topic for all track and field coaches. This course introduces important topics including:

  • The anatomy of muscles and how they produce force.

  • The three types of muscle fibers (Type I, Type IIa, and Type IIb) and how they each contribute to athletic performance. 

  • The Force-Velocity curve and how it relates to power generation.

  • Types of strength training and their application to track and field performance.

  • A general model for incorporating strength training into a season plan.

The course also introduces some common strength and conditioning exercises, examining the technical and coaching cues of:

  • General Powerlifting Exercises: Box Squat, Back Squat, Bench Press, Romanian Deadlift, Chin Ups, and Pull Ups.

  • Isometric-specific Exercises: Isometric Calf Push, Isometric Knee Push, Isometric Mid Thigh Pull, Isometric Hip Push, Isometric Bench Pull, Isometric Bench Press, Isometric Jammer Press, Isometric Hip Hold, and Isometric Push Up Hold.

  • Eccentric-specific Exercises: Eccentric Bench Press, Eccentric Box Squat, and Nordic Hamstring Curl.

  • Concentric-specific Exercises: Concentric Squat, Concentric Bench Press.

Complete the course today and earn 20 CPD points towards your Athletics accreditation!


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