Coach Education Resources

Biomechanical Performance Factors in the Track and Field Sprint Start: A Systematic Review
In athletics sprint events, the block start performance can be fundamental to the outcome of a race. This Systematic Review aims to identify biomechanical factors of critical importance to the block start and subsequent first two steps performance.

Hurdle Drill Basics - Walk Overs, Over/Unders, and Can-Cans
Colleen Quigley is a long-distance runner and specialized in steeplechase. The Team USA athlete is going to show you some exercises for your hip strength and hip mobility which is very important for every runner, especially steeplechasers and hurdlers.
Walk Over Drill
Over/Under Drill
Can Can Drill

Plyometrics - Four Studies All Track and Field Coaches Should Understand
This article will examine four key research papers on the benefits and sport-specific effectiveness of plyometrics training. We will examine their findings and place the results in the context of the wider peer-reviewed literature and expert opinion on the topic.