Coach Education Resources

Rotational Shot Put Technical Model
Throws Australian Athletics Throws Australian Athletics

Rotational Shot Put Technical Model

The rotational shot put isn’t just about raw power—it’s about precision, sequencing, and controlled energy transfer. In this in-depth guide, we break down the six key phases of the throw, highlighting essential coaching points, optimal body positions, and common technical errors.

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Coaching Circular Throws: Discus, Shot Put, and Hammer Throw
Throws Australian Athletics Throws Australian Athletics

Coaching Circular Throws: Discus, Shot Put, and Hammer Throw

The Circular Throws (Discus, Shot Put, and Hammer) are events demanding a blend of strength, timing, coordination, and technique. To optimise performance in these disciplines, coaches shouldfocus on key technical elements, phases of movement, and biomechanical principles. This article looks at the core coaching concepts and unique considerations for each throw, with insights derived from elite throwers and supported by biomechanical research.

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Coaching Throws with Scott Martin
Throws Australian Athletics Throws Australian Athletics

Coaching Throws with Scott Martin

Scott Martin speaks to us about the challenges of coaching throws at the various levels of the sport and will hopefully encourage more club-level coaches to specialise in coaching the throws events.

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Pre-Competition Preparation for Throwers
Throws Australian Athletics Throws Australian Athletics

Pre-Competition Preparation for Throwers

This article looks at the vital pre-competition phase of training for throwers, providing information about technique oriented training, converting overall physical capacity into specific explosive power and examining the importance of intensity, control, and the correct psychological approach.

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Teaching the Glide Shot Put Drill Sequence
Throws Australian Athletics Throws Australian Athletics

Teaching the Glide Shot Put Drill Sequence

While coaching the throws for over 35 years, I have had the honor of coaching both successful rotational throwers and successful glide throwers. I have spoken about the glide at several track clinics around the country and, when I do, I seem to spend most of the time speaking about the power throw (stand throw). The actual glide never seems to get the attention it deserves.

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