Group B Supplements in Sport
Supplements with emerging scientific support, considered for use by athletes under a research or case-managed monitoring situation.
Sports foods and supplements can play a small but important role in the sports nutrition plans of high performance athletes. Sporting organisations, sports science and medicine practitioners, coaches and athletes all contribute to a pragmatic and transparent approach that balances the pros and cons of supplement/sports food use by considering: is it safe? Is it effective? Is it permitted for use in sport?
The ABCD Classification system ranks sports foods and supplement ingredients into four groups according to scientific evidence and other practical considerations that determine whether a product is safe, permitted and effective in improving sports performance.
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
This presentation, by Australia’s very own Prof. Louise Burke, explores supplements that sit in Group B of the AIS Supplement Framework, including:
Fruit Derived Polyphenols
Ketone Supplements