Coach Education Resources

Teaching the Glide Shot Put Drill Sequence
Throws Australian Athletics Throws Australian Athletics

Teaching the Glide Shot Put Drill Sequence

While coaching the throws for over 35 years, I have had the honor of coaching both successful rotational throwers and successful glide throwers. I have spoken about the glide at several track clinics around the country and, when I do, I seem to spend most of the time speaking about the power throw (stand throw). The actual glide never seems to get the attention it deserves.

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Using Effective Coaching Cues
Coaching Skills, Young Athletes Australian Athletics Coaching Skills, Young Athletes Australian Athletics

Using Effective Coaching Cues

For track and field coaches and athletes, coaching cues are a great tool for instructing and reinforcing the desired skill components.

However, there is strong evidence to suggest that not all cues are equally effective.

This article delves into the critical role of coaching cues – specifically, external and internal cues – in shaping athletes' performance, including their ability to develop and retain newly acquired skills.

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Hamstring Injury Prevention - Theory and Exercises
Strength and Conditioning Australian Athletics Strength and Conditioning Australian Athletics

Hamstring Injury Prevention - Theory and Exercises

Hamstring injuries are one of the most common causes of injury for Track and Field athletes. As coaches, there are a number of different methods we can implement into the training program to reduce the likelihood of injury occurring.

This article will have a look at the evidence and share effective exercises, which you can incorporate into your training.

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How to Find the Right Coach for You
Squad Development Australian Athletics Squad Development Australian Athletics

How to Find the Right Coach for You

Finding the right athletics coach for you is important, ensuring they provide advice that fits your needs and lifestyle, and help to create a positive, sustainable relationship with the sport.

But how to go about it? Here’s our quick guide on finding the right coach for you.

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The Science of Endurance Running
Endurance Australian Athletics Endurance Australian Athletics

The Science of Endurance Running

This paper draws on the extensive current literature in the field to provide a general guide and starting point for further study by presenting a short overview of the elements that contribute to endurance and how these can be trained in athletes. The full version of the paper can be downloaded using the button below.

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Four Great Training Sessions for Recreational Runners
Endurance Australian Athletics Endurance Australian Athletics

Four Great Training Sessions for Recreational Runners

From street miles through to trail ultra-marathons, the diversity of events recreational runners are participating in continues to provide coaches the challenge of developing training sessions that are both specific to their activities and that provide ongoing stimulation. While the list of available training options is extensive, let’s look at four training elements that strike a chord with Recreational Runners.

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Trust is a must for coaches and athletes – just ask Sally Pearson
Australian Athletics Australian Athletics

Trust is a must for coaches and athletes – just ask Sally Pearson

Coaches have to balance challenging and nurturing their athletes. Too much of either and the relationship can fall apart, or cease to be productive.

This article reflects on the events of 2012 and how coaches can balance the need to have direct and honest conversations with the need to maintain an effective working relationship with their athlete.

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